Racialized communities strategy

About the strategy

Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) has committed to developing a multi-year, multi-faceted, province-wide racialized

communities strategy that will build upon the services and supports that LAO already has in place.


Legal Aid Ontario posts its submission on carding and street checks

Legal Aid Ontario posts its submission on carding and street checks

Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) is making its formal submission on the issue of carding and street checks to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services available on its website.

The submission outlines LAO’s analysis and offers a number of recommendations to regulate police street checks. LAO’s submission is one of 510 submissions (476 from the public and 34 from organizations) received by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.

More information

Communication requests

Josephine Li
Communications Advisor
Telephone: (416) 979-2352 ext. 6015
Email: media@lao.on.ca